This age calculator is easy to use age detector and age counter which helps in calculating age or time difference between two dates. This tool can be utilized as age calculator to find my age today or as per any reference date. This is one of the best date of birth calculator or dob calculator online. You can calculate age from date of birth or age as on date.
Date format used is: month/date/year – mm/dd/yyyy
For instance, 1 Feb 2024 = 02/01/2024

It will be possible to see the determined age or the time difference in all possible ways like in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
The functionality of the age calculator is very convenient and simple to use. You just need to enter your date of birth which you can select from calendar and reference date till when you want to calculate your age. By default, this reference date is set to today’s date. If you want to check your age today, you just need to add your date of birth, the calculator will show you the age as of today.
If you want to change the reference date (Age at Date), you can do that by either entering date manually or by selecting through calendar option.
If you want to find age, this tool works as age calculator in months, age calculator in days, age calculator today (or current age calculator), an age counter, a dob calculator, birthday calculator, biological age calculator, your real age calculator, an online age calculator by date of birth, age calculator year month day, one of the best age counter online and one of the best age calculator today.
You can find age of human, age of cat, age of dog or age of any item using its date of birth or the date when you bought that.
Utilize this tool to the fullest of its potential as an online age calculator by date of birth, an age detector, an age calculator in months, an age calculator in days, an age calculator in years, an age calculator by dob.
Later, we will also explain the ways to find my age and count age from date of birth.
The present year may or may not be included in the year count when expressing age in different cultures. An individual who is twenty years old, for instance, is the same age as someone who is twenty-one. People in one of the traditional Chinese age systems are born at age one, and instead of getting older on their birthday, they do so during the Traditional Chinese New Year. For instance, even if a baby is just two days old, if one is born the day before the Traditional Chinese New Year, the child will be two days old when the next Traditional Chinese New Year rolls around.
When the starting date is at the end of a month, the months and day result of this age calculator may occasionally be unclear. We define a month as lasting from February 20 through March 20. The age from February 28, 2022, to March 31, 2022, can be determined in two different methods. The answer is one month and 3 days if we count the days from February 28 to March 28 as one month. The outcome is one month if we count both February 28 and March 31 as the end of the month. The outcomes of both calculations are plausible. For periods like April 30 to May 31, May 30 to June 30, etc., there are comparable circumstances.
The irregular number of days in various months is the cause of the misunderstanding. We calculate using the first approach.
The calculator takes two dates, namely the “Date of Birth” (dob) and “Age at Date” (ageAt), and calculates the age difference between those dates, presenting the result in various time units such as years, months, days, etc. It also displays how many months or days are left until the next birthday.
Age Calculator Use
Determine the age of a person, location, or thing. The age calculator computes age based on a birth date in years, months, and days. You may also use this calculator to determine the time difference between two dates.
The age calculator calculates the age time span in years, months, and days, as well as total days.
How to Calculate Age
This age calculator computes age using two approaches that are similar yet slightly different. One technique is to give the age in years, months, and days, as well as months and days. The alternative approach is used to compute age very precisely in total days only.
When calculating age to the minute level of days, keep in mind that not all months have the same amount of days. A year has 365 days, but a leap year has 366 days.
When calculating age in terms of years, this calculator offers the answer in ordinary words. For example, a teenager may state he is 15 years old rather than 12 normal years plus 3 leap years old. Although we know that years might differ in length, we generalize between regular and leap years and term them equal.
The same can be said for months. If a baby is 7 months old, her parents would not say she is 4 months and 31 days, plus 2 months and 30 days, plus 1 month and 28 days. We usually generalize across varied durations of months and count them all as general months.
The age calculator calculates age using commonly used words, such as “all years equal” and “all months equal.” When calculating days, the calculator employs a function to determine the exact number of days between two dates.
The age calculator employs a function that determines the number of leap years in a given time range. It also computes the number of days in a partial year. For example, if you were born on March 5 and today is June 7, the calculator calculates the precise number of days between those dates.
Chronological Age
Chronological age is a measure of time that you have spent on earth since you were born. It is a constant measure of time. You can express it in different units like years, months, weeks, days, hours, seconds etc.
For instance, if you were born in 1990 and the current year is 2023, your chronological age would be 32 given your date of birth is in coming months. It’s that easy! So, if you are willing to know yours, use this calculator to know what is my age now or what will be my age at any other date.
How Old Am I?
Do you sometimes think about how old are you today? The age calculator can tell you your age in just a few clicks. All you need to do is enter your date of birth and the date at which you want to know your age. Once you enter these details, just hit the calculate button. It will then show you your exact age in several units like years, months, and days.
This will also show you your day on which you were born.
How Old Am I in Months and Days?
Finding your age in days, months is quite easy. All you need to do is to use below simple formulas.
Age in months = Age in years * 12
Age in days = Age in years * 12 * (number of days in a year)
number of days in a year = 365 for non-leap year
number of days in a year = 366 for leap year
This is just a very simple approximate calculation. For exact calculation, add extra days or months spent after your birth date.
How Old Was I on X Date?
Have you ever wondered how old you were on a specific date? Well, now you can find out that with this Age calculator! All you need to do is to enter your birth date and the date you’re curious about, and the calculator will do the math for you and tell you your exact age. Isn’t it that simple!
How Old Will I Be in 2050?
To find how old you will be in 2050, subtract your birth year from 2050. That’s all you need to do! For instance, if you were born in 2003 you would be 47 years old in 2050 (2050 – 2003 = 47).
Standard Date Formats
The age calculator allows you to input dates in mm/dd/yyyy format where,
mm is month number as given below for your reference:
For January Month – 01
for February Month – 02 and so on
dd is date number as given below:
for 1st date – 01
for 2nd date – 02 and so on
yyyy is the year as given below:
1999, 2000 and so on
US date formatting can use a forward slash, a dash, or a period as separator.
- mm/dd/yyyy
- mm-dd-yyyy
- mm.dd.yyyy
European date formatting can use a forward slash, a dash or a period as a separator.
- dd/mm/yyyy
- dd-mm-yyyy
International date formatting as per ISO 8601 use only a dash as a separator (-):
- yyyy-mm-dd
Today’s date is based on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) Zone.
1. How does the Age Calculator work?
The Age Calculator calculates the difference in age between two dates: your “Date of Birth” and an “Age at Date.” It then provides you with your age in years, months, days, and other time units, along with the time left until your next birthday.
2. What dates do I need to input?
You need to enter your “Date of Birth” and an “Age at Date.” The calculator will use these two dates to calculate your age and provide additional information.
3. Can I calculate the age of someone else using this tool?
Absolutely! The Age Calculator is versatile and can be used to calculate the age of anyone by providing their “Date of Birth” and an “Age at Date.”
4. How accurate are the results?
The results provided by the Age Calculator are accurate down to the exact number of years, months, days, etc., based on the input dates.
5. What is the purpose of the “Age at Date” field?
The “Age at Date” field allows you to calculate your age at a specific point in time. This is useful for finding out how old you will be on a particular date in the future.
6. Can I calculate someone’s age in weeks, hours, or seconds?
Yes, the Age Calculator provides age results in years, months, days, weeks, hours, minutes, and seconds.
7. Why can’t I see the result after clicking “Calculate”?
If you’re not seeing the result, ensure that you have entered both the “Date of Birth” and the “Age at Date.” Also, make sure that you haven’t accidentally cleared the fields or reloaded the page.
8. How do I clear the calculator fields?
You can clear the calculator fields by clicking the “Clear” button. This will reset both the “Date of Birth” and “Age at Date” fields, allowing you to enter new dates.
9. What should I do if I encounter an issue or error?
If you experience any issues or errors while using the Age Calculator, you can try refreshing the page or checking your internet connection. If the problem persists, you can seek assistance or contact our support team.
10. Is my personal data stored when using this calculator?
No, the Age Calculator doesn’t store or collect any personal data. The calculations are performed locally in your web browser.
11. Can I use this age calculator on a mobile device?
Yes, the Age Calculator is responsive and can be used on both desktop and mobile devices.